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Migrate IceWarp to Office 365 and Shift Your Email Data

Published By Aldrich Calvin
Anuraag Singh
Approved By Anuraag Singh
Published On August 16th, 2023

IceWrap even being an underdog, has established itself as a go-to webmail service for small and medium-scale businesses. However, as organizations grow they must reevaluate and change their service provider. In short, perform an IceWarp to Office 365 Migration ASAP. Now the next problem is how to go about this complex task.

Don’t worry, as here is where we come in to help you with this technical guide. In addition, this article contains a list of all the techniques a person can use to transfer the data present in IceWrap. First, let’s go over the real-life scenarios that explain the need for such a change.

Situations Where IceWarp to Office 365 Migration is Necessary

  • IceWrap is better suited to cater to the needs of organizations that have a local presence and a limited budget. Moreover, a large organization’s appetite can only be fulfilled with an industry-leading solution like Office 365.
  • Data analysis is the lifeblood of any company, it helps them in conducting a SWOT test and creating a roadmap for the future. Office 365 comes with a built-in data analyzer called Power BI whereas currently, no such feature is there in IceWrap.
  • Unlike Office 365 IceWrap provides its desktop-based apps for Windows users only. It leaves 
  • Linux and Mac OS users with no other option than to shift their data to Office 365.
  • A one-on-one comparison of all the features makes it quite clear that Office 365 is better in almost all categories.

Read More: The Methods to Migrate cPanel Email to Office 365 for Transferring All Mailboxes

Now that we are familiar with the “Why” let’s get straight to “How” with the best available solution in the market.

Automated Solution to Transfer IceWarp to Office 365

The user-friendly interface and advanced algorithms of SysTools IMAP to Office 365 Migration Software make it an ideal solution for anyone looking to migrate IceWrap to Office 365. Even if you are not tech-savvy, you can easily use this service to complete your transition quickly and effortlessly. Here are the steps to use the tool:

Step 1. Download and open the program, selecting IMAP server as the source and Office 365 as the destination.

Open Tool

Step 2. Scroll to the Workload section and enable the checkbox next to emails before adding a Date filter.

Add Date Filter

Step 3. In the Source area, located in the left side menu, select Other in the IMAP server field, then enter the remaining information in the space provided by the tool.

Validate Source

Step 4. Verify the Administrator’s email address and App ID, then click on the Next button.

Validate Destination

Step 5. You can either add the Users by importing them directly, or you can get the template available in the tool, modify it, and then upload it.

Attach Users

Step 6. Review the users, pick out those to migrate, verify them, and then hit the Start Migration button.

Start migration

Next, we discuss a few of the features that make this tool a favorite of users and experts alike.

Features of the Utility

Given below are just some of the features that make the tool an essential asset during IceWrap to Office 365 migration.

  • Transfer up to 20 user emails at the same time.
  • Maintain file and folder structure as it is.
  • Generate detailed reports of the migration.
  • Transfer all users from source to destination with no data being lost.
  • Utilize the Date filter feature to select and move certain folders. 
  • Specific versions for both Windows and Mac OS devices are present.

These along with many other features propel this tool to the top position when it comes to IMAP to Office migration scenarios.

Also Read: The Complete Guide to Migrate MDaemon to Office 365 Account

There is another more difficult way to migrate Icewrap to the more popular O365. However, even experts hesitate to recommend it due to the reason discussed ahead. 

Reasons to Avoid the Manual Method

Complicated and Confusing: The manual method requires admins to temporarily pause email services,  needs them to manage multiple software, and perform interconversion between file types. Even after so much effort the task may fail in between requiring a restart.

Time-consuming and Inefficient: Admins must dedicate a lot of productive working hours to ensure that no data is left behind. Additionally, the absence of a delta migration feature requires admins to retrace all the steps once again to bring in the emails that came during migration. 

Questionable Data Integrity: As the manual method is an indirect data transfer the chance of data loss increases multifold. Moreover, unlike professional software, it has no inbuilt reporting mechanism so admins have to validate data transfer for each and every user.

Inadequate User Support: Manual method has no official support from either IceWrap or Office 365. Therefore, if users encounter any issues they are all alone. In contrast, the automated utility comes with 24X7 customer support for any and all user-related queries.


In the write-up, we covered everything from the reasons for moving, to the automated way of IceWarp to Office 365 Migration. Moreover, we also specified the problems users might face if they choose the manual way over the expert-recommended utility. Now equipped with complete knowledge it is up to the user to make the right decision and perform the email data transfer surely and securely.